Monday 24 December 2018

Wooden, painted toy gun

5.5 by 4 inches - not sure if hand made.  Has an unusual, square shaped chamber and what appears to be a missing trigger system.  A slit near the front for a rubber band?

Hand made folk art toy pistol

9 nine inches long and painted.  Has a trigger that can be cocked and the pulled that makes a clicking sound.

Hand carved folk art toy pistol

4.5 by 3.5 inches, painted with hand carved attached pistol grips.

Hand made carved and painted toy pistol

9 inches in length and made for a child to play with.  Someone has carved their initials, VA, into it.

Tuesday 7 August 2018

19th C polychromed jigger doll

This recently came from England and appears to be lathe turned and then carved in places ( the one remaining foot has carvings to indicate toes ). It is a whopping 16 inches long. 

19th C folk art carved jigger doll

Just under 10 inches tall with great patina and detailed carving.  It never had arms.

Thursday 5 July 2018

Folk art carved articulated figure

A 19th C carved figure that is believed to be originally from Quebec, Canada since it was acquired a few years ago from a folk art dealer who resided in Boucherville, Quebec.  Interestingly short arms with finger details.  No signs of this having been a jig doll, but considerable signs of use/play.  11 inches tall.

Folk art carved jig doll

Only 6 inches tall with a great patina.  He comes from South Carolina and had a hat pin which was used to make him dance.

Carved and painted jig doll

He appears to have been made to represent a porter or bellboy given that he has bags instead of hands.  8 inches tall.

Thursday 3 May 2018